2013年12月25日 星期三


對於拼貼樣式的選取, 有些時候我們會想要讓其成品花俏一些.譬如下圖, 加上邊框, 加上背景...等等.

但有些時候, 我們也會希望能有較為簡潔風格的拼貼樣式, 就是很單純的樣多張圖片結合在一起. 譬如下圖

現在開始, 你也可以使用"拼貼范特西"的內建功能來達到.

只需兩步驟, 就可輕鬆完成

1. 選取方形邊框

(我們同時提供了 "有陰影效果" 和 "無陰影效果" 的兩種方形邊框, 請依照您的需求自行選取)

2. 將所有的寬度設定值調整為 0

(在此處, 為了能讓圖形邊界較為清晰, 我們仍然保留了一點點的內框寬度同時將底色設為黑色來凸顯效果)

Simple Collage Style

Some time we want to make the collage elaborate, like this one.

However, sometimes we just want to make a simple collage without any shape, background pattern and bounds, like this one.

Now, we also support you to make it !

Only 2 steps you need to do.

1. Selected the Rectangular frame shape.

There are 2 choice for rectangular frame shape.(with and without boundary shadow)

2. Make all the widths and rounded corner radius as zero.

(In this case, we choose the inner width as small as possible, but not zero, and set the background color as black to make the boundary more clear)

2013年12月23日 星期一

邊框 + 拼貼主體


當選用套定圖案當背景來顯示時, 最常見到的問題就是背景的花紋穿插在圖片當中而模糊了圖片本身. 請先比較以下兩張圖的差別.



我們可以發現, 圖與圖間的間隙若是使用單色系(例如白色)來呈現, 則圖片本身會較清楚的呈現而不會感覺畫面混亂. 而具有花紋的外框在包圍住整個畫面後, 又可使畫面有更多的變化選擇且不會干擾畫面呈現. 


1. 我們建議您選取單一色彩作為背景.(白色為我們的建議值)

2. 若要使用特定花紋以作為背景, 若花紋的圖案較為複雜而會混淆到整體畫面, 請同時設定 "內底" 選項. 其功能可幫助您設定內部區域的背景顏色.

點選後會出現 "透明" & "選取顏色" 兩個選項

[點選 "透明" 即不使用內部背景, 將呈現邊框花紋於圖與圖的間隙中.]

[點選 "選取顏色" 選項, 則可以在調色盤中選取想要的色彩]



為了讓畫面各個區域得比例能更符合您的需求, 我們同時提供了寬度設定的功能

請點選最右邊的 "寬度" 選項

切換出可調整 邊框/外框/內框 寬度的選項, 同時也可以調整圖片圓角的大小.




Frame + Collage

Inner Background

Sometimes, the background pattern may make the images in the collage not easy to look. Please compare the two collages below.

[without Inner Background]

[with Inner Background]

Use the monochromatic color as the collage background is a better choice for make the collage result more clear. And using the background pattern in the boundary frame only will also make the collage more beautiful and doesn't influent the images.

That's why we add this function for you. Separate the Collage to the "Frame" + "Collage Body".

In the frame layer, you could use any pattern you like.

In the inner area(Collage Body), we suggest you to choose a monochromatic color and white color is the best one. 

To choose the inner area background, please click the "inner bkg" button

There are 2 choice for inner background.

[Choose "Transparent" will show the frame background pattern]

[Choose "Select color" will show the color picker to let you select the color you like.]


Border Width Settings

To make the collage look greater, we offer more freedom for user to change the Frame/Outer/Inner widths.

Please click the "Width" button to change the width settings.

Frame border width (Please compare these two images)

Outer border width (Please compare these two images)

Inner border width (Please compare these two images)

2013年12月21日 星期六

What's New

2013/12/23 Version 4.4.1

1.New UI supported.

2.Design for background and frame changed.

(more detail in "Frame + Collage" )

3.Simple collage style supported.

(more detail in "Simple Collage Style" )

3.New functions supported for editing photo and text.

4."Quick Edit" for grid style supported.

Hide some functions for advance adjustment. Easy to make high quality collage result by selecting layout and photo position only.


版本4.4.1 (2013/12/23)



請參考 ( "邊框 + 拼貼主體" )

3.支援 簡潔風格 的樣式編輯

請參考 ( 簡潔風拼貼樣式 )

(圖片功能新增背景與隱藏效果, 隱藏功能可讓使用者多出部分區塊的空間, 方便加入文字或貼圖)


(快速編輯功能僅提供最基本的編輯功能. 讓使用者能套用我們所設計好的各種佈局搭配凸顯圖片的白底快速的編輯上傳圖片.)